




※(304)is made of high quality stainliss steel manufacturing;

※In JG/T 127-2007 standard for building doors and windows Hardware-friction;

※Can adjust opening Angle section(lock activity)fixed block;

※The ministry of construction committee recommended products for doors and windows fittings;

※This product is a professional stamping made heavy industry automation equipment,precision, beautiful,strong and durable;

※Fifty thousand times by authorities after test can still be normal operation,ensure continuing durable use;

Installation dimensions Alumminium window specification
linkage quantity Chip thickness(mm) Specifications A B C D E F GHIJKL Window highest(mm) Window widest(mm) Window weight(kg) Opening angle(±2°)
four-bar linkage ≥2.5/3.0 10" -36 86.5 186.5 1962435.5-244-251251 1500 500 19/23 90°
≥2.5/3.0 12" 39.567.5 124.5 197.1 207.224.3141.7192.4235.4-290.4298.3 1500 600 24/28 45°/90°
≥2.5/3.0 14" 39.567.5124.5 212.4 222.524138.2201242.3293.4339.6347 1800 700 29/33 45°/90°
≥2.5/3.0 16" 39.5 67.5124.5 226.6 236.7 25.3 143.2208.8


336.7390.5399 1800 800 36/38 45°/90°


梁山县| 蒙阴县| 突泉县| 苗栗市| 江川县| 昭平县| 黄冈市| 天津市| 湛江市| 玉田县| 连江县| 惠水县| 武威市| 和平县| 湖州市| 融水| 循化| 元谋县| 高邮市| 吕梁市| 长沙市| 白玉县| 马鞍山市| 台前县| 菏泽市| 阜新| 东安县| 皋兰县| 大厂| 海城市| 遂平县| 仙居县| 贺州市| 化州市| 清河县| 古田县| 伊春市| 连南| 新沂市| 丰镇市| 泗洪县|